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Registrations for the walk have been closed, please leave your email with us to know about our future walks.

Ideally suited as a weekend morning outing for your family, the walk will introduce one of the well-known, and seldom observed, smaller creature of our city. We will hear the stories behind them, their relationship to other creatures and the vital role they play in our environment.

This walk will help you further develop your interest in wildlife photography, travel writing, and nature sketching by teaching basic identification techniques and introducing you to a wealth of information. The walk will be led by Sunil Kumar, the expert on Ants and co-author of the book On a Trail with Ants“, who has years of experience in the field.


We meet at 7:30 AM at the fountain, just inside Lalbagh West Gate, where we be introduced to the world of Ants. After which, we walk to catch a first-hand glimpse of these wonderful creatures.

We will amble around at leisure within the woodland habitat of the 240 acre Botanical Garden, covering as much distance as necessary in about 3 hours’ time. We will get on our knees, pick them up and learn more about the Ants of our city.

The walk will introduce many of the Ants that inhabit our city and help you put a name to these wonderful creatures that live with us.

At the end of our walk, you are welcome to join us for an optional South Indian breakfast followed by hot cups of coffee/tea (not included in the cost of the walk) at a nearby restaurant outside the West Gate of the botanical garden.