Wild Bangalore
June 5, 2016 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
| Rs.200To celebrate the World Environment Day,
British Council invites all young nature enthusiasts to an exciting session on
Wild Bangalore
with Ulhas Anand, an amateur naturalist with long experience
Wild Bangalore
An introduction to our city’s wildlife
With a specific focus on the wildlife and natural beauty of our city, this talk will introduce many of the plants and animals that we see every day around us. The session will focus on stories about them, their relationship to other creatures, and their role in our environment. We will learn about common birds & butterflies, trees and insects, and other little known seldom observed smaller creatures that can be commonly seen around the city as well. The talk will also provide a broad outlook to the biodiversity of India, its forests, and environs.
It will help further develop an interest in hobbies like bird watching, wildlife photography, travel writing, and nature sketching by kindling an appreciation towards nature and the outdoors by providing a wealth of information on creatures around us.
About the Speaker
Ulhas Anand has been looking at wildlife for over 25 years as an amateur naturalist. His primary interest in birds expanded into looking at other creatures as well. He has been contributing towards building eco awareness by conducting numerous camps, talks, walks and workshops for schools, colleges and hobbyists.
He is the co-founder of EcoEdu Consultants (https://ecoedu.in), an environment education start-up focused on delivering high quality practical education with a topical and contemporary perspective. He is the moderator for BngBirds as well, one of the largest and oldest Internet discussion forum in India on birds and wildlife. He has done his Post Graduation in Marketing from University of Wales, UK and works as the Director of Product Marketing at Tyfone Inc.
When: Sunday, 5th June 2016, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Venue: British Council, 23, Prestige Takt, Kasturba Road Cross, Bangalore 560001
Age group: 8 – 13 years
Registration fee: Rs.200 per child
For enquiries, please write to purnima.krishna@britishcouncil.org or call our customer care team at 0120-4569000/6684353.